I'd Probably Lie | Teen Ink

I'd Probably Lie

November 2, 2011
By KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
39 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love&#039;s a war you&#039;ll never win, just stop fighting, just give in.<br /> Break the rules, Stand apart, Ignore your head, Follow your heart<br /> When the time comes, baby don&#039;t run, just Kiss Me Slowly.&lt;3

What if the truth,

was really a lie?

What would you say,

if I told you that's what I live by?

The lies are only there,

there to hide the pain,

the sorrow, the sad,

the everything.

They cover up,

the things I've said,

what really happens,

inside my head.

They hide the way,

I feel inside,

because if I were telling the truth,

I'd probably lie.

The author's comments:
A lot's taken place in my world lately, and I kept right on acting like I was okay. And, as much as it pains me to admit it, I wasn't. This is basically me confessing to my lies.

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