In the Eyes of a Teen | Teen Ink

In the Eyes of a Teen

April 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Secrets kept,
secrets told.
The ones you like,
come and go.
The bonds you have made,
begin to wither way.
Friends who are new,
haven’t earned trust from you.
Values become real,
become meaningful and true.
The ones you love,
slip from you.
Facts you have had,
become useless and pointless.
New feelings of hope and of joy,
become fogged by feelings of grief and anger.
Things that had once been nothing,
have replaced those that have meant a lot.
Memories of what was once fun,
are forgotten.
New memories of fun and happiness,
are hidden under memories of pain and suffer.
Good begins to show more often,
and life starts to clear up.
You start to see what was never there,
things of happiness and of joy.
There id more bad then good in the eyes of a teen,
but all we need to do is open our eyes and see.


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