Soaring | Teen Ink

Soaring MAG

November 17, 2011
By MollyWanda BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
MollyWanda BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I prepared to leave the nest,
the place I was born and raised.
The only thing I have ever known.
My nerves
building inside me
as I planted my legs
firm on a branch,
preparing to fly,
not knowing what to expect.
Was my whole world
going to come crashing down
like a landslide
or was this going to be a never-ending
ring of excitement?
I closed my eyes
as I spread my wings
letting go of everything,
knowing this was what I had to do,
the only way I could achieve what I wanted.
I flew through the doorway to a new life,
a life of opportunities
and new experiences.
A life that I could explore
and learn new things
A life that I could be myself
and achieve my dreams.

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