Ride Line | Teen Ink

Ride Line

March 27, 2008
By Anonymous

People here say it's worth the wait.
but i'm putting that subject up for debate.
We waited three hours to wait some more.
to find out there's no fun in what we waited for.
In that line is an evil place.
I bet you can't find one smile on a face.
The tickle of sweat on the brow annoys.
garunteed to kill these peoples joys.
The whole wait long you have to stand
Sharp back aches and children's demands
From lack of sunscreen your skin will burn
as you pray for it to be your turn.
The people near you only complain
about how this wait is such a pain.
Not realizing they're the ones who make
standing here give us a headache.
Oh irony played us like a fool.
'Cause of the fun we'd all have at the pool.

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