Internal Struggle | Teen Ink

Internal Struggle

November 11, 2011
By AlexisTashe SILVER, Cheltenham, Maryland
AlexisTashe SILVER, Cheltenham, Maryland
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You're Not Alive Unless You're Living"

I was always taught to swallow my tears
And maybe somehow I can ignore my fears
But that habit is starting to get old
So maybe its time to grow up and learn to be bold

I have rough exterior, trying to protect what’s within
And maybe someday this pain will come to an end
If you think I got it easy, think again
Put yourself in my position and war will begin

I wake up every morning waiting for it to be night
Waiting to see if I have to put up another fight
So I keep swallowing that pill that they call pride
And I keep washing my pain away like a bottle of tide

I want to live life and try to maintain hope
Because I don’t want to end up no drug addict relying on dope
I’m going to live life hoping and hope I’ll get a sneak peek
And maybe, just maybe, I’ll let a single tear fall down my cheek

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