Always You | Teen Ink

Always You

November 2, 2011
By KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
39 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love&#039;s a war you&#039;ll never win, just stop fighting, just give in.<br /> Break the rules, Stand apart, Ignore your head, Follow your heart<br /> When the time comes, baby don&#039;t run, just Kiss Me Slowly.&lt;3

Side by side,

Or miles apart,

It's always you,

That's in my heart.

Day to day,

Year after year,

It's always been you,

That I hold so near.

Time after time,

Friend after Friend,

I know it'll be you,

That's there 'til the end.(:

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