Second Chance | Teen Ink

Second Chance

November 2, 2011
By KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
39 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love&#039;s a war you&#039;ll never win, just stop fighting, just give in.<br /> Break the rules, Stand apart, Ignore your head, Follow your heart<br /> When the time comes, baby don&#039;t run, just Kiss Me Slowly.&lt;3

Memory after memory,

time after time.

It shouldn't have taken quite so long,

So long to call you mine.

The chances I've taken,

All the risks you took.

The possibility of us being mistaken,

Or stepping out with the wrong foot.

We've saved our chance,

You and I can do this now.

Ask for the dance.....

Before the chance is taken again.

The author's comments:
We've got another chance. And He's the one that's gotta take it. I can't make say the words for it to happen, no, it has to be him.

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