You and Me | Teen Ink

You and Me

November 2, 2011
By KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
39 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love&#039;s a war you&#039;ll never win, just stop fighting, just give in.<br /> Break the rules, Stand apart, Ignore your head, Follow your heart<br /> When the time comes, baby don&#039;t run, just Kiss Me Slowly.&lt;3

f and only do not mix,

but me and you do.

what and if don't belong together,

but me and you do.

life isn't always perfect,

but me and you are.

everyone isn't always loved,

but me and you are.

But loving you is complicated,

I'm sure it's a one way street.

Can't count the times I've thought about

What could lay between you and me.

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