There's This Friend | Teen Ink

There's This Friend

March 17, 2008
By Anonymous

So there’s this friend
He says he’s ok
He says he feels fine
But look in his eyes
And he’ll deny
What he says isn’t true

So there’s this friend
She says she didn’t drink
She says she just has the flu
But as I smell her breath
And hold back her hair
It’s hard to believe
She’s telling the truth

So there are these friends
They come up to me
Hold out their hands
And say
Here take one you’ll be okay
I look up, as I stick out my hand
I ask
Do I take one?
Will they understand?
What do I say?
What do I do?

So there’s this girl
She says look at me
She said no
And stayed drug free
Oh, and by the way
That girl was me

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