World Peace | Teen Ink

World Peace

March 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Around the World,
Men and Women,
Boys and Girls,
Rich and Poor,
Things that swim and soar,
A story is waiting to unfold,
That sometimes makes the World seem so cold.
These stories are filled with pain,
People trying to gain
A feeling of hope,
Trying to cope
With the events around them.
Bombs in Baghdad,
AIDS in Africa,
Communism still striking,
None of this is to our liking.
From Miss America,
To the orphan child in Asia,
The wish of people,
And prayers in the steeple,
Is the want of World Peace,
Where all wars and troubles cease.
A world of hope,
Where no one uses dope
To try to cope
With the death of their brothers,
Sisters ,Mothers,
Fathers and Others,
From a street shooting between gangs,
Or a roadside bomb between countries.
But our World is not like that,
Not like respectfully tipping a hat,
It is filled with war, violence and famine,
And a harsh realization
That World Peace is, and will be
Forever away,
Until we all can pray,
And put our differences aside,
Shake hands and smile to all far and wide,
Then we may,
And we might,
Be able to say
With delight;
Violence can end,
Everyone can be a friend,
Wars can cease,
Because there is World Peace.

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