I Can't Write Poetry | Teen Ink

I Can't Write Poetry

March 14, 2008
By Anonymous

And here are the reasons why
I don’t like to rhyme
I don’t like to be catchy
I don’t want my soul to lie down and fly
Fixed Forms: way too hard
Free Verse: shows lack of choice
Why should I have to twist and turn?
Do back flips, think, and learn
To write what’s on my mind
Just to impress people
Make people second guess
When my metaphors are smooth as
Finely broken glass
Or Sand
The words run from the pen
Ever so easy
But what on Earth makes it poetry
Shakespeare, Silverstein, Langston Hughes
Maya Angelou, Robert Frost
How do they do?
What they do
Ever so well
The words they write make them
From Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too
Flying up high in a magical shoe
From the journey of the Negro Mother
Her strife, her sorrows, her struggles
To be or not to be
To write poetry or not
While she dance like she got
Diamonds in the meeting of her thighs
It’s REALLY amazing
That STILL she rise
I can’t come close to the example
The masters have set for me
But maybe that doesn’t mean
That I
Can’t Write Poetry

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