What Do You Call It? (Not Love) | Teen Ink

What Do You Call It? (Not Love)

March 13, 2008
By Anonymous

They all say it's just a game
Two people play day and night
Living in a unstopping flame
They've played with innocent hearts
Awakened them peaceful souls
And still they think they've done it right
They think their partners’ all they need
Next thing you hear, it's I'm not sure
You're everything I've been dreaming of
Now you know it wasn't made from up above

I mean, What do you call it
When two people believed to be
The perfect match from heaven
Say hurtful words, do things
That can never be forgiven
That leaves the other heart with deadly scars
You might call it something like love
But that don't seem like love to me

They'd tell all their friends they've found "the one"
They just want to fit in the world
And just have someone they can call their own
He's the sweetest guy, she's the heaven-sent angel
A couple months and days go by
Something just don't seem to make sense
And neither of them can look in each other's eyes
He's the jerk now, she's the bad-named girl
I don't know what you call that
But that don't seem like love to me

Some prayers do come true, some don't
They'd say their's are all answered
Because they've got each other
She'd say, he's the only person for her
In this whole crazy world
He'd say, she's the girl, he's dreamed
He'd find someday, somehow
After all the lonely nights he've had
Something always told him' he'd find someone
Who will fill his empty heart with laughter
And bring him the everlasting love

Come on people, what do you call it
When two people believed to be
The perfect parents of two teenagers
Curse and fight every day and night
That leaves the other with deadly scars
And unhealing bruises in their children's eyes
I know you think that's love
But it don't seem like love to me
No, that ain't love to me
And there's nothing you can do
To make me believe, that’s love

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