The Sculptured Society | Teen Ink

The Sculptured Society

March 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Cosmo, Vogue and seventeen
Telling me how to be me
Stay skinny, be lean
But in twenty years whats it going to mean?

Extreme Make Over, ANTM and MTV
Still telling me how to be me
What to hear, what to smell and what to see
My senses are blocked by media T.V

Pressured to look a certain way
Censor what I think and what I say
What I truly am seems to decay
With the “image” that’s consuming the world today

People will try to mold me like clay
But Victoria Peterson is who I’ll stay
I wont bend I wont fray
I stay true all day, everyday

When I think about what I have and what it’s worth the rest starts to look obscene
there opinions seem to just wash away
I have goals and dreams beyond what is seen
I live my life by my standards, loving life day by day

Im not down with the scene
So judge me if you may
I stay true to myself, im not that average teen
And theres nothing left to say!

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