Mother's Hand | Teen Ink

Mother's Hand

March 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Mothers have a special touch
A touch that can stop every pain
From stomach aches to head aches
Mothers will always stop them

With one touch, we feel warm
With one pat, we feel proud
With her hands, we are fed
With her hands, we are alive

Without mother’s hand, we have nothing
No food, no money, just pain
We need mother’s hand to calm us,
To cheer for us and warm us

With mother’s hand, we feel safe
With mother’s hand, we sleep soundly
With mother’s hand, we aren’t afraid
With mother’s hand, we learn

Mothers have special hands
A special power
A special touch
One that will feed us, warm us, calm us
One that will help us, clean us, and raise us

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