Happy oh yes its true | Teen Ink

Happy oh yes its true

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Happy oh yes its true
every time I think of you.
How I wish that you were here.
Taking away all my fear.
For simple as a loving hug to a tickle touch.
From making dinner for a kid and other things like such.
A mother is a one and all a hero for a kid.
And when I see the sight of you never have I hid.
From tucking in to playing games late into the night.
To calling you way way late then giving you a fright.
How many things you do for me I really can not tell.
From helping out the family, and me if I ever fell.
You're there everyday when I ever need your love.
And there for me when I need a helping little shove.
Thanks for being there for me through all those hectic days.
And for being able to take care of us in all those different ways.
I love you mom.

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