A Dose of Sugar and a Sip of Heaven | Teen Ink

A Dose of Sugar and a Sip of Heaven

January 3, 2008
By Anonymous

A Dose of Sugar and a Sip of Heaven

The sound I hear when I wake
And go down for rest
The smell of walnuts falling
I see them go past my eyes
Suddenly I hear a thud, I open my eyes
Once again a burst of light swarms around me
As if I’m floating reaching for heaven
As if I can jump and fly
The wind brushes across my face
I smell the air I smell the smoke of the chimney
I open my eyes and lay down
As if lying and looking at the clouds
But then I come to my senses
It’s not a dream it’s the simplicity
That makes it so genuine
Like a dose of sugar and a sip of heaven

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