You're a Hero | Teen Ink

You're a Hero

April 2, 2008
By Anonymous

You're a hero in my eyes, it's possible to see. You may not have saven alot of people, but you sure save me. I could've done something stupid, something I couldn't take back. You made me calm down, you make me relax. When I needed you, you were without a worry and with alot of care. You were my friend through and through which is a good thing because I needed you. You never gave up on me, so I could be the best that I could be. Follow my dreams, follow my heart, where they will lead good things will start. A hero doesn't just save people, they inspire them inside. Making them want to tell you everything, wanting to confide. You've inspired me and saved me in many ways. Leaving me here with one thing left to say, "I love you so much, I owe it all to you and all I have to say is, thank you."

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