You Were Never There | Teen Ink

You Were Never There

April 2, 2008
By Anonymous

You were never there.
You weren’t there when I was young,
When I needed guidance and yearned for a loving hug.
You were never there, in my child hood
When I needed you the most,
When I was just a child,
That needed help buttering her toast.

Or when I was just a little girl that
Needed help putting colorful clips her hair.
Did you ever love me?
You didn’t ever seem to care.

You never had the time,
To be there for me as a father.
You never thought I was important,
You didn’t even bother.

But now that I’m older and wiser,
I began to shine,
I learned to live and love,
And to leave you behind,
To live with out a father,
Who is now one less best friend,
And now that I am worthy to you,
You suddenly know me again?

Now you take the credit,
For all I did achieve,
And you think you deserve my attention,
As if you were always there for me.

I’ve lived my life without a father,
With out any love from you,
I think I can go on fatherless,
In the past, it was my mothers
Love that pulled me through.

It would have been nice to know you,
It probably would have been great,
If only you had the time to get to know me,
Back then when I was eight.

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