Giraffe! | Teen Ink


March 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Giraffe! Giraffe! So nice and yellow,
Aren’t you such a dainty fellow?
What high pole or what great tree
Could hide your lofty design from me?

What deep and high cerulean sky
Could harbor your frame from mine eye?
“How high art thou?” one may ask,
While in the shimmering sun you bask.

And what lions! And what tigers!
And what about those fearsome ligers?
But none can compare with your fearful height,
Not in the day, not in the night.

On the leaves you begin your chomping,
After a delightful day of grassland tromping.
Why should you work? Why should you play?
When you could be snacking on leaves all day!

But alas, of all that thou art and what thou mayest become,
Why art thou so cumbersome?
Why in all thine battles fought
Are you marked by a many dot?

Giraffe! Giraffe! So nice and yellow,
Aren’t you such a dainty fellow?
What high pole or what great tree
Could hide your shining form from me?

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