These Dreams | Teen Ink

These Dreams

June 22, 2011
By CaityDale BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
CaityDale BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had all these dreams
An idea of who I would become
Not necessarily something big and great
But someone not so numb

A person yearning to be loved
Because isn't that how I'm supposed to be?
Not necessarily a desperate soul
But someone not so free

A person who searches for her other half
Just another love sick drone
Not necessarily a dependent person
But someone not so alone

But wait, I had all these dreams
This idea of the person I would become
That's just it, only an idea
And to think that if can't change is dumb

I am a person that is different from most
I don't wish to be loved, thus I am free
But I don't even feel alone
Because through life I learned to love me

The author's comments:
To achieve dreams in life we have to first learn to love ourselves.

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