I wear black clothes | Teen Ink

I wear black clothes

December 20, 2007
By Anonymous

I wear black clothes because they make me feel somewhat invisible.
I wear eye make-up because I feel like it hides my feelings.
I cry because I want my life to be a lot more.
My self confidence lowers everyday when my Dad says he “Wants me to be like all the other girls.”
I strive to be loved so I can feel like I will matter to at least one person in life.
I can't look in peoples' eyes because I don't want to know what they're thinking of me.
I don't like to smile because it makes me feel insecure.
I wear my hair like I do so you have a different reason to laugh.
I like to have friends far away, so I never have to say goodbye.
I act tough so you don’t feel like you can hurt me.
I’m worried about my appearance because
I used to get made fun of for being fat.
I’m afraid to make new friends, because I don’t want to lose them.
I’m frightened to grow-up, because I don’t know where to go next.
I'm scared of love because I don’t want to get hurt.
I fear tomorrow, because I may not be living.
I love you because you make all those feelings go away.

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