Ode to Uncle Jerry | Teen Ink

Ode to Uncle Jerry

December 20, 2007
By Anonymous

Who would have thought that he would have done that?
All I have left of him are pictures and his K-State hat.
I can't imagine what he was thinking that day
to take his life in such a way.
If i knew why he was so blue
maybe there would have been something I could do.
If someone could have made him understand
he would be here now to hold my hand.
Their father, his boys will miss
He's no longer here for a goodnight kiss.
Her little brother, each other's crutch, my mom misses him so much.
An uncle, a brother, a father , a son
a very dear loved one.
Like the funny ways he looked at me, I remember the way he used to be.
A love of music we shared, movies and video games of which no one else cared.
He was so important to me, if only he could see.
His jokes, his laughter put a smile on my face
no one could ever take my uncle Jerry's place.
I still remember the pain I felt that day
when I was given the news he had gone away.
My sadness, my fears
I could not hold back the tears.
Things he taught me, things he said
I often think about as I'm lying in bed.
As I drift off, I see his smiling face
knowing he is in a better place.
Until I see him in heaven and we are no longer apart
he will always have a special place in my heart.

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