Home Alone | Teen Ink

Home Alone

February 5, 2008
By Anonymous

I am so sad for John has left me.
Sitting at the door—
Eyes bulging—
Waiting just waiting for 6:30—
I sit here alone and sulk in my self pity.
My twisted tail hanging limply to the left side—
Passing time by wondering why God took away my nose.
For it would surly have helped with the ladies.
I look at the clock 5:53.
What to do with all this time—
I’ve already been to the bathroom nineteen times.
Torn every stuffed animal to shreds--
Eaten every discarded piece of food—
Howled at the man in the brown and yellow truck--
Even chased that blasted light for two hours.
I can never catch that dreaded thing.
Boom! Boom! Now who dares break my train of thought?
John! John! Why he’s two minutes early—
Dang it I just peed a little—
The only noise that can escape my throat is a howl mixed with a cry of excitement.
Not nearly intimidating as the always practiced bass tress one—
My tail winds tight and shakes my entire body with joy.
My malice toward John has turned to total joy
Then complete love for his leftover Chilies.
Finally home at last my beloved John who can now scratch my back.

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