Look out the window hoping to see | Teen Ink

Look out the window hoping to see

January 26, 2008
By Anonymous

Look out the window hoping to see,
his beat-up old yellow jeep,
come roaring into the drive,
instead I face that old oak tree,
with the yellow ribbon wrapped round its hide.

Sooner or later I'll have to accept,
brother Jack ain't coming back,
that's why we all got dressed in black,
tears on Ma's apron and Pa in the bar,
everytime they glimpse a yellow car,
because he won't be coming down that road no more.

He had only just turned eighteen,
most excited I'd ever seen,
laughed as he talked about the adventures he'd have,
didn't expect his little sister to understand,
that he would make his country proud and fight like a man.

Sooner or later I'll have to accept,
brother Jack ain't coming back,
that's why we all got dressed in black,
tears on Ma's apron and Pa in the bar,
everytime they glimpse a yellow car,
because he won't be coming down that road no more.

His day to go finally arrived,
he said Little sister, don't you cry,
brother Jack will only be gone awhile,
soon I'll have stories to make you smile,
and drive my jeep home a better guy.

Sooner or later I'll have to accept,
brother Jack ain't coming back,
that's why we all got dressed in black,
tears on Ma's apron and Pa in the bar,
everytime they glimpse a yellow car,
because he won't be coming down that road no more.


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