Under The Sun | Teen Ink

Under The Sun

January 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Every now and then
I think aboutwhen
When we were first together
We thought it would be forever
But now thing change
We rearrange
Move our lives from place to place
Just looking for a little space
I cry when I think about those times
When we both thought we'd hear chimes
Now I look up into the night skies
Thinking about all your pathetic lies
Asking myself why I believed you
And remembering how I wanted it to be through
Now I lay hear in the dark
Thinking of the waytwo young hearts spark
The way I saw your eyes in the moonlight
Gave me chills up my spine and a very uninnocent sight
I haven't talked to you in god only knows how long
But by doing this I think it's making me strong
I've realized how you're not the one
But he's out there somewhere under the sun
He'll come to me one day
But until then here I will lay

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