Can is a word You Won't Answer | Teen Ink

Can is a word You Won't Answer

April 26, 2011
By bluebrymilk GOLD, Brunswick, Maine
bluebrymilk GOLD, Brunswick, Maine
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Can you think
A word just for me?

Can you think
Of my favorite time?

Can you think
What I wish for the most?

Can you think
Who I want with me?

Can you think
When I last smiled?

Can you think
If I truly feel the same?

Can you think
Why I want to go?

I can think
A life you long to lead.

I can think
Of who you long to be.

I can think
Just what you want to do.

I can think
How you joke and play.

I can think
Why you want to run.

I can think
A love just for you.

I can think
But you don't know.

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