I Live By Poems | Teen Ink

I Live By Poems

January 29, 2008
By Anonymous

I live by poems
lined with pungent verbs
and enriched with vigorous nouns
collaborating and
singing together to concoct a symphony
each stanza simply a measure
a metaphor a chord
each word a note but
the might of some words
leave an impact on readers
and ring for longer forming
an echo

I live by stories
created with sizzling thoughts
and bubbling queries
woven together by the rays of the sun
the glisten of the moon
and the shimmer of the stars
the words are an intricate dance
flowing like a stream
every sentence is avidly choreographed
designed to present diverse movements
yet all are bound together
moving as one

The writing still broils within my soul
Each time repudiated
The longing soon returns
And the temptation simmers within my conscious

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