Baseball 911 | Teen Ink

Baseball 911

December 7, 2007
By Anonymous

The ten year old boy whose passion
is baseball.
That day his dad was not prepared
for what he saw.

The boy, up to bat.
Coach telling him to bunt.
The boy turned too far.
The ball smacking him in the chest.
There he lay, not taking a rest.

His face was white,
his lips were blue.
A nurse and a doctor there
to know what to do.

The ten year old boy
on the ground, no pulse
no heartbeat.
The dad praying this was just a dream.

The nurse and doctor go over
to the helpless boy.
Giving him CPR and trying to revive him.
It helps.

The boy still unresponsive.
The praying dad calling 911.
He still prays to God,
"My son can't be gone."

The ten year old boy rushed
to the hospital.
There he lay in the ICU.
His dad weeping,
"Thank you God, I knew I could trust you."

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