The Journey of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

The Journey of a Lifetime

January 15, 2008
By Anonymous

All face their fears,
All cry their tears.

Everyone lives a life,
No matter - good or bad.

Everyone has their problems,
Everything has its own time to shine.

All are loved, others are feared,
Yet, Life is what it is.

We all live,
We all have our time.

Everyone has a talent,
All have their favorite things.

Though, most things are stated,
Here is the most important things of Life.

Live to the fullest,
Trust Courage not Luck.

Fortune can sometimes favor the foolish,
Keep your secrets a secret is by telling no one.

Everyone learns these things as time goes on,
This is what Life is about.

Life is trying to be the best you can be,
Trying to live each day - as if it was your last.

Developing yourself into who you want to be,
I know that this all sounds strange.

These pieces of what I have been told,
Are always a help and bring hope when there is none to be found.

Hope and Faith,
They are sisters and should never be separated.

Friends and Family are best kept to the heart,
All religions are valid - as long as they are followed properly.

Everyone lives their lives the way they need to,
And in this whole picture - every piece falls into place.

Everyone has had their day to shine,
Each is left to find his own way home.

All are loved at least once,
And all have taken the Journey of a Lifetime...

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