The Perfect Meal | Teen Ink

The Perfect Meal

January 15, 2008
By Anonymous

I opened the cabinet, driven by inspiration.
The turntable of different spices and seasonings sparked in my eyes.
I reached for the basil and a hint of crushed pepper.
The smell of the dish teased my mouth.
It tickled my nose, as I whipped the batter.
The sent of the butter sizzling in the pan next to me,
Now making my senses ooze with hunger.
I poured my custom fabricated mixture into the pan,
And watched it start to simmer.
Faster and faster, the dish cooked.
As the meal was becoming closer to completion,
It began to form a perfect golden bronze crisp around the outer shell.
As the pan cooled,
I lifted the newly created masterpiece onto a shinny plate,
And took just enough time,
To reflect and gaze upon my hard work,
Now steaming in front of me…
At last! The perfect meal was complete.

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