My Heart is Your Window | Teen Ink

My Heart is Your Window

January 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Its days like these where hurting isn’t just your feet or your back.
Times when we look, we stop, and regret how we act.
When its time that destroys, and the hearts that rebuild
Of love, of wisdom, my open arms that shield,
I look on the day, the sun bows to the moon, the eyes grown tired, but my love still in bloom.

Which of these days have I done so wrong,
Our time, our love, your eyes, our song.
The time in the light, the night in our hands, my storm for her heart, our toes in the sand.
Almost to the edge, the time has passed,
Your words and your actions, your heart everlast.

I stare at you so, you gaze back at me,
When life’s strongest devotion swims out past the sea,
And the stones of the sky dance for the moon, the suns own love is soon,
by the ire, the guilt sings its tune.
The love of my sun beats upon my chest, your smile and tears,
My hands lay you to rest.

In the hour, its time, when its all come to this,
The feelings you give me, the times we will miss, the love, the comfort, its inclusions of truth,
When pleasure and frustration tied its own noose.
The heart and the soul, its body and mind,
With you forever until the end of time.

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