Cujo | Teen Ink


June 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I am a saint gone rabid.
Fueled by rage,
overrun with insanity.
My eyes are dull,
Snout mangled.
An empty feeling is all that is left.
As I stalk the shadows,

I watch.

I wait.

I hear your heart squeeze, and palpitate,
you swing recklessly, only hitting air.
I see your eyes, widened,
fearful not for yourself, but for your son.
I leap and find flesh with jagged teeth.
Instead of you feeling pain, you feel retribution.
Something smashes into my head
it rings throughout my bones.
Dazed and confused I stumble to and fro,
blood drips from my mouth.
Specks of it lay imbedded in the sand.
You run hastily. Your cries fill the noon air.
Like an obsession, I find you,
I am a saint gone rabid.

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