heal | Teen Ink


June 8, 2008
By Anonymous

There are cuts too deep to stitch
Wounds too big to kiss
Memories that wont leave
Present times when you just wanna be set free
Tears that flow and later stain
Soft tissues that shouldn’t be
But be as it may
These are the cards we were dealt
Jarred emotions that have been placed on a shelf
Dust bunnies scurry in a hurry
To the place that’s held
Rock solid
One fell
Ambushing the floor in such a rush
You search for the tools to get it up
Another sways
Then another and another
They all burst as quickly as the other
But fear not
As you sit and stare
And try to figure out the solution to something so hard to bear
By your side is someone who cares
If not in your presence
Held within your heart
Always there in truth, never false
In time wounds will heal
Though becoming scars
Still remembering but not dwelling upon
Head up
Eyes open looking straight ahead
Towards the future
Away from the pain
Strong winds clear grey clouds
Visible sunshine

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