You Have to Have | Teen Ink

You Have to Have

December 28, 2007
By Anonymous

You have to have
This is our home our earth of green and blue
But darkness always continues to pursue
It takes a hand of evil and plunges deep inside
Wilting our dear earth and sucking its life dry
But one must understand about our dearest earth
That what happens to it happens to its people of worth
Evil it brings guns
Evil it brings death
Evil it brings the worst out of people heaven bent
People always think that when worst comes to worst
That nothing can be done and we’ll forever be cursed
But that is not true and the children of the future know it
No matter how hard things get you can’t just up and blow it
You have to have Hope
You have to have Faith
You have to have a positive mind that you will use in any place
There is no such thing as Fate
Because you are your own muse
There is no such thing as Destiny
Because the path goes by what you choose
The lines of good and evil are not too far away
You have to know how to deal with them
When you approach them someday
Evil it brings guns
Evil it brings death
Evil it brings the worst out of people heaven bent
So that’s why you have to have hope
And you have to have faith
Because your mind will help you out no matter what you may face


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