The Struggle | Teen Ink

The Struggle

December 15, 2007
By Anonymous

Chances have come and opportunities past,
Life has been strange struggle,
as love has come and passed,
But what can we learn from this game we play,
how can we benefit and not let our minds stray,
in this life’s mystery, and promise of romance,
our dreams do deserve a fighting chance,
and if our dreams should break and fail,
we might lose the will to live,
we may become frail,
but if we lose in this game of life,
And give in to that bright, white light,
We can gain nothing more,
than an eternity of night,
And yet what can you hope for, in your hour of need,
If not for some show of love as you desperately grieve,
A love with the power to overthrow,
the perception of guilt which you may hold.
And so I’m hoping you will stand and fight,
And trust me now, if ever,
for I know that I’m right,
And if you do trip, or fall, or even be damned,
Know that I’ll always be waiting,
To give you a helping hand.

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This article has 1 comment.

gevster said...
on Aug. 13 2008 at 3:57 am
I love it