Within | Teen Ink


December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

I feel the wind caressing my skin
It feels as if you will always be within

Within me, you promised me you would always be there
You told me "Darling I will always care"

But then why did you go away
To that place you said was in the sky, in May

People say it was your time
I told them, sobing, "No it wasn't fine"

It wasn't your time you see
Please, please come back to life for me

I don't want to grow old alone
I know you don't want that ever to happen, so you don't condone

Life isn't life without you around
You were the glory I had found

So, what I wanted to say was sorry, for I can't go on with out you
Maybe I'll go to that place in the sky thats so blue

I ask for your forgivness as I O.D
Then hope God may have mercy on me

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