Spectrum | Teen Ink


December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

There are darker things than darkness,
and there are lighter things than light,
but no matter where I stand,
the day still turns to night.

Yet through its shady vastness,
this night comes back to day,
so for every new ambition
there is light to guide my way.

But even when my path is humble,
and my goals shine in the clear,
I am still held at bays sometimes
by the darkness that I fear.

Still these horrid things of darkness
in the recess of my mind,
can be defeated by a candle,
if it’s light I wish to find.

So when oppressed and beaten down,
I break the chains of scorn.
I let my faith rise above the grief
when my road is bleak and worn.

And though at times I falter,
when my strength and sense are gone,
I don’t let the cold encompass me
for there will always be a dawn.

Yet even with the sunlight,
I still might lose my way.
I can’t let the doubt entrench me,
for my dreams could fall astray.

So I don’t cling to old regrets,
but hold fast to what is true.
Dark places kill the spirit
only if I allow them to.

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