Today but a Reality | Teen Ink

Today but a Reality

December 26, 2007
By Anonymous

Today is just one of those days
a day where he tends not to care
a day where he just doesn't know
a day where her happiness is hidden.
She smiles
but it's just a face.
The true face wants to burst
with tears
and screaming
to show all the hurt.
How much pain can one girl take?
Enough to make people speculate
on how empty
and sad she is.
A girl full of brightness and life
is now full of loneliness and strife.
She wants to hide and push everyone away
closing herself in her own world
of darkness and quietness.
A place where she won't get hit
with all the chill and the frost
from a person she's in love with.
Time after time
tear after tear
disappointment after disappointment
When will she be able to run away from all the grief?
Will she be strong enough?
She wants to take one step and have no care
dreams can only be dreamt
She thought they were perfect together
She thought wrong.
Here she is now moping,
and hoping.

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