Secret Glue | Teen Ink

Secret Glue

November 16, 2010
By RenMan BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
RenMan BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Mixaphorically speaking.<br /> <br /> Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

The world is built upon secrets.
Held firmly together by lies.
Deciet is the glue we use,
strengthened by the eagerness of ones cries.

In sports we play OUR game.
In music we play in OUR key.
While we get others to join in,
they get stuck in our calamity.

Good ones make their insanity genius.
Great ones make the false true.
We do not question the so called authority.
We become their entourage, their crew.

In some respects this is shameful.
That lies are the building blocks for appreciation.
For creating a false sense of 'security'
for others is our recreation.

Sadly this false sense of measure,
is not our pleasure. But a bomb ready to go.
For no matter the lie the truth with appear.
All ones buttons will be pushed and they will blow.

Blow up all the false truths.
Blow up all your self worth.
Tell you the untainted truth.
Take away your ego, your pride, your girth.

So live for yourself.
Appreciate who you are.
Do not be a shooting one,
but rather a permanent star.

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