The Little Children | Teen Ink

The Little Children

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

God bless the little children
Who never take a breath
Who never live their life
And face an early death
We mourn them every day
For what was never heard
Their giggles, tears, and laughter
Their first spoken word

God bless the little children
Who never met their friend
Who never got to play with them
Or time with them to spend
They wonder who they are
Or who they might’ve been
On their hearts is left
A scar that lives within

God bless the wondering parents
Who want to know why
Who want to know the reason
Their child had to die
Please let them know you’re with them
Your arms hold them tight
You’re always there for them
Every day and every night

God bless the little children
Who live above with you
Who sing songs of praises
Of your love that is true
Please, let them run and laugh
And be the child they would
So, I know that they are living
The thought of that is good

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