Hold Her Close and Oh So Dear | Teen Ink

Hold Her Close and Oh So Dear

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

Holding her close and oh so dear
Parents strive to retain her innocence
It is this that she doth fear
Despising separation from the world by a wall so shear
She escapes from childhood prison and jumps the fence
That was holding her close and oh so dear
This world outside youth is strange and quite queer
She explores everything but nothing seems to make sense
It is this that she doth fear
Colors and characters shout loud for the world to hear
Light and small she can no longer feel as she floats above the air so dense
Nothing is left to hold her close and oh so dear
Washed in regret with memories that seer
Screams cries, sings loves, cradles drugs she is alone and hence
It is this that she doth fear
She sits in a corner, a ball shedding tears

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