Two and a Half | Teen Ink

Two and a Half

October 7, 2010
By OliverKent GOLD, Georgetown, Ohio
OliverKent GOLD, Georgetown, Ohio
19 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Everything&#039;s got a moral, if only you can find it.&quot; - Lewis Carroll<br /> &quot;...there it is [the moral].&quot; - The Things They Carried pg. 13

Prying eyes are losing touch,
And winning hands can not do much,

A flower in each windowsill,
Will not brighten the gloom they feel,

There's something in the air tonight,
That takes the shine and warmth from light,

A rainstorm would be good if it could drop below freezing,
Because the stingy feel on harden skin would be so very pleasing.

The author's comments:
Wrote it a while ago.


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