Grandma Called to Say Good-Bye | Teen Ink

Grandma Called to Say Good-Bye

June 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Grandma called,
She wanted to say good-bye.
Be sure to call her,
It would mean the world to her.
Grandma called to say Good-Bye.

Be sure to take lots of pictures for me,
And write everything down so you can tell me all about it.
I promised I would.
Grandma called to say Good-Bye.

Have lots of fun sweetie.
I will Grandma,
And I’ll come see you as soon as I get home.
I love you Grandma.
I love you too sweetie,
Good-Bye honey.
Grandma called to say Good-Bye.

If only I had known,
Grandma called,
To say

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