The Sea in My Dreams | Teen Ink

The Sea in My Dreams

August 24, 2010
By LucindaRie SILVER, Everett, Washington
LucindaRie SILVER, Everett, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A long journey always starts with a single step."

I let the candles burn away my pain
The darkness swallows my shame
In the silence of the night
These candles never burnt so bright

I drift away into my dream land
Walk down shores covered in sand
And underneath the crescent moon
The water gurgles a mournful tune

Beached on the sandy shores
Lay a dying seahorse
Exhausted, it still struggles as its life fades
Quickly, in my sympathy, I come to its aid

I kneel and set him free
So he can return to his home in the sea
But, as he leaves my sight
I awaken in the depths of the night


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