Questions from Rebels | Teen Ink

Questions from Rebels

August 25, 2010
By Sorruay SILVER, La Grange, Illinois
Sorruay SILVER, La Grange, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

What is this gift that i've received,
out of your good nature and generosity?
If it is a choice
be the wise dictator you are,
and make sure i cannot choose by taking away my voice.

Oh you gesture so lovingly,
pat my back and bandage my scraped knee.
Who are you?
Take off you mask!
This trust is a lie and lies collapse fast.

As houses of straw,
and buildings of tin,
Like the towers of twins,
and trying to hide a sick grin.

You break rules like damaged kids,
high on heroin,
Trying to swallow clouds but crying because they just don't fit in.

Will you answer the questions?
The who, what, where, and why of sins?
Or will it overwhelm you so much you indulge in;
ninety-nine cents of poison,
or ninety-nine cents of bulls***,
because you just can't handle a school kid?

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