For someone I miss. | Teen Ink

For someone I miss.

August 7, 2010
By Mini-Mi GOLD, Blaine, Minnesota
Mini-Mi GOLD, Blaine, Minnesota
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Luck favors the prepared."

I’m missing you more than words can say.

I can never forget when you left.

You know that I wanted you to be mine.

I miss my little teddy bear,

The one who’d hold me,

The one who’d kiss me,

The one who’d make me feel like…

Like I’m important,

Like a princess,

Like a…somebody…

I loved you,

And now you've gone and left me here,

And it hurts when I breathe.

You have a girlfriend...?

I now know I have no chance at all with you...

Why did you have to go?

The cuts will heal

But the scars are a just a dirty reminder...


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