My life my love | Teen Ink

My life my love

June 14, 2010
By Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1.Life isn&rsquo;t about waiting for the storm to pass it&rsquo;s about learning to dance in the rain<br /> 2. Scars remind us where we&rsquo;ve been they don&rsquo;t have to dictate where we&rsquo;re going<br /> 3. The one you aren&rsquo;t supposed to love is probably the hardest to let go of

how do you see
when your head is up in the clouds
when your toes are in the sand
how will you ever see how much you mean to me will you ever believe
that your the one for me that there's nothing that could change
my feelings for you
you are my clouds you are the toes beneeath my toes you are my sun,
My life

The author's comments:
This poem just came to me like a leaf in the wind it wasn't really supposed to happen it just did

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