Always... | Teen Ink


June 14, 2010
By Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
Ginny333 BRONZE, Fairplay, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1.Life isn&rsquo;t about waiting for the storm to pass it&rsquo;s about learning to dance in the rain<br /> 2. Scars remind us where we&rsquo;ve been they don&rsquo;t have to dictate where we&rsquo;re going<br /> 3. The one you aren&rsquo;t supposed to love is probably the hardest to let go of

How can I love?
How can you love me?
I will hold you in my heart
i will always be yours
i will always see your face in my dreams
i will always love you
i will always think of you when some thing good happens to me
I will always think of you in times of pain and longing
I will always love you...
no matter what you do to me no matter what i do to you
you will always be my first love you will always be the one i long for

The author's comments:
This poem tells the story about love when you truely love someone no matter what happens in your life or theres you will always love them even if you can no longer admit it to each other. This poem deffiently hits home for me i still love my first love and no matter where we go in life i will never forget how much i loved him.

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