Gohst Story | Teen Ink

Gohst Story

June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A breeze whispered by
The clock struck with a boom
Mystery swept the sky,
and the stone cold night
filled the empty room.

The haunting was felt,
I shivered inside
And laughter did pelt
As I knelt
By fireside.

Pines swept overhead
Shadows were crawling
I knew I’d be dead
If I lifted my head
My hopes were falling.

Nightmares, I sensed,
Were creeping around.
I knew I was fenced,
My nerves quickly tensed,
At even the slightest sound

My brother, I grasped
In silent fear
“Let this moment pass,
It must not last!”
I thought through a tear

The fire’s glare
Burned with rage
For me it did scare,
I was only aware
Of sister turning the page…

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