Suger-Coated Addictions | Teen Ink

Suger-Coated Addictions

June 15, 2010
By rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar. I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire. I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control." Lyrics from an All Time Low song. :D

I'm sitting here writing
but can't think of what to say
just quietly counting the hours
until the end of the day

What I think is wrong
what they say is right
I need to break away from this
the rides bumpy, sit tight

I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to say
they expect too much from me
why do I feel this way?

They try to keep me at the top
but one day I'm gonna fall
I just want to be myself
soon, I'll show them all

I escape into these fantasies
I pretend to be what I'm not
even though I'm getting nowhere
for now its all I got

Everything's addictive
even this sugar-coated lie
what I want doesn't matter
I'm just trying to get by

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